Anonymous. Art Chronika magazine, 6-7 / 2011, p. 97, Russia. (Russian)

Arantes, Priscila. Arte e mídia no Brasil: perspectivas da estética digital (São Paulo: Editora Senac, 2005). (Portuguese)

Baumgärtel, Tilman. Das Internet als imaginäres Museum, WZB Discussion Paper FS II 98-110, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Berlin, 1998. (German)

Bolter, Jay David. "You Are What You See", Wired, January 1997, pp. 113, 114, 116.

Bureaud, Annick. "Rara Avis", Janvier 1998. Extrait de "Pour une typologie de la création sur Internet", une communication dans le cadre du colloque R.A.T. (Réseau Art Technologie) organisé par CYPRES, le 27 novembre 1997. (French)

Carlozzi, Annette and Julia Fenton, "Curatorial Conversation", Out of Bounds, exhibition catalogue, Nexus Contemporary Art Center, Atlanta, 1996, pp. 6-12.

Catherine, Fox."Technology as a canvas", The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, July 26, 1996, p. 53.

Dixon, Steve and Barry Smith. Digital Performance: New Technologies in Theatre, Dance, Performance Art and Installation (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006).

Donati, Luisa Paraguai and Prado, Gilbertto. "Telepresença na Web", in Cadernos da Pós-Graduação, Instituto de Artes, Unicamp, Vol 2, nº 2, 1998, pp. 33–4. (Portuguese)

______________, "Utilizações artísticas de imagens em direto na web", nos anais do VIII Encontro Anual da Compós (Associação Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação), CD-ROM,junho de 1999 a, UFMG, Belo Horizonte.(Portuguese)

___________, "Artistic Uses of Webcam in Internet" in Minds and Machines and Electronic Culture, Proceedings do The Seventh Biennial Symposium on Arts and Technology, Connecticut College, New London, USA, 1999 b, pp. 34-51.

___________. "Artistic Environments of Telepresence on the World Wide Web", Leonardo, Volume 34, Number 5, 2001.

Gates, Dominic. "Rare Birs in Cyberspace" (on the social aspects of Rara Avis), published on Microsoft Internet Magazine, February 24, 1997.

Gates, Dominic. "Omnipresent in Cyberspace" (on the technical aspects of Rara Avis), published on Microsoft Internet Magazine, February 24, 1997.

Giannachi, Gabriella. Virtual Theatres: an Introduction (London: Routledge, 2004), pp. 81-89.

Giannetti, Claudia. Estética Digital (Barcelona: L'Angelot, 2002), pp. 91-93. (Spanish)

Giannetti, Claudia. "Entre el humanismo y el posthumanismo", Mecad Electronic Journal, número 5, octubre de 2000, Barcelona. (Spanish)

Giannetti, Claudia. Ästhetik des Digitalen. Ein intermediärer Beitrag zu Wissenschaft, Medien- und Kunstsystemen (Wien: Springer, 2004), pp. 91-93. (German)

Goldberg, Ken. "Virtual Reality in the Age of Telepresence", Convergence, 4 (1), 33-37, 1998.

Goodman, Cynthia. "A Rare Bird at the Olympics", Artist's Market, F&W Publishers, 1997, pp. 22-23.

Grau, Oliver. "Telepresence Now!", in: Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002), pp. 271-272.

Henriques, Antônio. "Eduardo, o Pensador Digital", Expresso, XXI Section, Lisbon, April 19, 1997, p. 10. (Portuguese)

Irvine, Madeline. "Testing the Bounds", Austin American-Statesman, January 30, 1997, p. 47.

Jana, Reena and Mark Tribe. New Media Art, (Los Angeles: Taschen Verlag, 2006), p. 20.

Kac, Eduardo. "Statement on Rara Avis", Out of Bounds, exhibition catalogue, Nexus Contemporary Art Center, Atlanta, 1996, pp. 33-36.

Kac, Eduardo."Ornitorrinco and Rara Avis: Telepresence Art on the Internet" (with a technical appendix by Ed Bennett), in the Digital Salon special issue of Leonardo, Vol. 29, N. 5, 1996, pp. 389-400. Different versions of this article have appeared in books in Russia, Brazil, Spain, and Germany.

Kac, Eduardo. "The Internet and the Future of Art", in the book Mythos Internet, Stefan Muenker and Alexander Roesler, eds., Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt (in German only), pgs. 291-318.

Kusahara, Machiko."From/to Body to/from Robot", Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Volume 7, Number 10, Uploaded December 2, 1999. Republished in: Dobrila, Peter T. and Kostic, Aleksandra (eds.), Eduardo Kac: Telepresence, Biotelematics, and Transgenic Art (Maribor, Slovenia: Kibla, 2000), pp. 59-64. And in Portuguese in: Medusa, Ano 1, N. 8, Dez-Jan 99/2000, Curitiba, pp. 28-31.

Levy, Pierre. Cyberculture: Rapport au Conseil de l'Europe (ed. Odile Jacob, Paris, 1997), pg. 105.

Machado, Arlindo. "Expanded Bodies and Minds", in the catalogue Teleporting an Unkown State, Peter Tomaz Dobrila and Aleksandra Kostic, editors. Published by KIBLA, Maribor, Slovenia, 1998, pp. 37-63. Also published as "Cuerpos y Mentes en Expansión". In: Arlindo Machado. El Paisaje Mediatico. Buenos Aires, Libros de Rojas, 2000, pp. 51-58. (Spanish)

Matía, Paris et alli. Conceptos fundamentales del lenguaje escultórico (Madrid: Ediciones Akal, 2007), pp. 35-36. (Spanish)

Nance ,Kevin. "Eduardo Kac Explores New Frontier In Art", Lexington Herald-Leader, June 23, 1996, F1, F3

Narayan, Parvathi. "Electronic Art: pushing the limits." Singapore Business Times, August 22, 1998, p. 14.

Osthoff, Simone."Telepresença problematiza a visão," Catalogue of I Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, Frederico de Morais (ed.), FBAVM, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1997, pp. 190-191. (Portuguese)

Osthoff, Simone. "Kac lembra que o lápis já foi revolucionário," interview, Jornal da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Ano 1, No. 2, October 1997, Porto Alegre, p. 15. (Portuguese)

Osthoff, Simone. "Eduardo Kac: La Telepreséncia problematitza la visió", published and distributed (in Catalan) as a leaflet by the Institut Universitari de l'Audiovisual, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, in Barcelona, on the occasion of Kac's lecture at this institution, on November 26, 1997. Published (in Catalan) on the Web at: http://www.iua.upf.es/cat/sala_hal/butllet26.html. Also published in Portuguese: "Eduardo Kac: Telepresença problematiza a visão", Cadernos da Pós-Graduação do Instituto de Artes da Unicamp, Vol. 1, N. 1, 1997, São Paulo, pp. 7-12.

Osthoff, Simone. “Eduardo Kac: Networking as Medium and Trope”, in : Ecosee: Image, Rhetoric, and Nature, Sid Dobrin and Sean Morey, eds., (Albany, NY : State University of New York Press, 2006).

Paul, Christiane. Digital Art (London, New York : Thames & Hudson, 2003), pp. 156-159.

Polanco, Aurora Fernández. Formas de mirar en el arte actual (Madrid: Edilupa, 2004). (Spanish)

Ruthschilling, Evelise Anicet. "A arte da telepresença na I Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul", Cadernos da Pós-Graduação do Instituto de Artes da Unicamp, São Paulo Ano 2, Vol. 2, N. 1, 1998, pp. 46-49.

Taveira, Carlos (ed.). "Cyber: A Criação na era digital", exhibition catalogue, Centro Cultural de Belém, 1997, p. 11. (Portuguese)

Tereshkova, Zoya. "Omnipresent in Cyberspace", published as a leaflet and made available to the public at Nexus Contemporary Art Center, Atlanta, 1996, and at the Huntington Art Gallery, Austin, 1997.

Tribe, Mark and Reena Jana. NEW MEDIA ART — Taschen's Basic Art Series (New York: Taschen, 2006).

Veras, Eduardo. "O mundo pelos olhos de uma arara-robô," Zero Hora, Segundo Caderno, October 7, 1997, p. 6. (Portuguese)

Wilson, Steve. Information Arts: Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002), pp. 532-538.

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